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Trenchless Romania 2017

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le Thursday 15 June 2017

Trenchless Romania 2017 was held in Bucharest on 15th June. Tom Sangster gave a presentation on the PE100+ Association’s Online No-Dig Technical Guide on behalf of the Association to an audience of 200 people from the Romanian utility sector. The one day conference included an exhibition and also presentation of the National Trenchless Technology Awards. Tom presented the Guide as well as describing the types and properties of PE100 pipe and also showed some examples of the design tool that is included in the online Guide. A lively question and answer session followed the presentation.

Developed with co-sponsors TEPPFA, Exova, Radius Systems and Downley Consultants, the Guide covers both new installation and rehabilitation of existing water and gas pipelines using PE100 pipe in trenchless methods.

Last update Thursday 07 September 2017

Members of the Association

BOREALISBOROUGEFormosa Plastics CorporationHanwha TotalEnergiesINEOS O&PIRPCKorea Petrochemical IND. Co., LTD (KPIC)LyondellBasellORLEN UnipetrolPetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical CompanyPRIME POLYMERSABICSCG Chemicals & Thai PolyethyleneSinopecTASNEE