Case Studies from Around the World
Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2004 Milan
Roberto Di Lucchio
This speech shown the results of the two experiences with polyethylene PE 100 pipes for the natural gas distribution, carried out by Camuzzi in 1999th and 2001st, respectively in Italy and in Argentina. The pipeline in Italy reached the actual allowed pressure limit for the gas, i.e. 5 MPa. In Argentina, was possible to build the pipeline with a 10 MPa pressure, testing also the performances of the excess flow devices Gas Stop, both for the services and for the pipeline. The materials, the welding and installation procedures were tested in accordance with the Italian and European standards, under quality control of external bodies, like the Istituto Italiano dei Plastici (Italian Plastics Institute), in Italy, or the Istituto del Gas Argentino IGA (Argentinean Gas Insitute). Theses experiences were very useful to increase the polyethylene use for the gas networks both in Italy and in Argentina. An other result was the introduction of the excess flow valves for the pipelines, to increase the gas networks safety.
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