PE 100+ Association 16th Advisory Board Meeting
A large industry panel from several countries outside and inside Europe together with 2 local guests came together for the 16th Advisory Board Meeting held on June 9th 2015 in the city of Krakow.

The meeting gave us the opportunity to welcome our newest two member companies, IRPC from Thailand and Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical from China.
The review of our 2014 activities and projects was covered by the President, including the European and Asian communications efforts: participation in Plastic Pipes Conference XVII in Chicago, 2nd edition of our road show in Morocco, Prik conference in Poland and the activities of the PE100+ subgroups in the Middle East and China.
The activities planned for 2015 were shared including the promotion of our new website, participation to various conferences and follow-up of technical studies.
S.Beech as PE100+ Consultant updated the audience on the status of ISO and CEN standards.
The meeting continued with very interesting interventions by the guest speakers :
- M. Foltynowicz, Grupa Lotos: Shale gas in Poland – 2015 perspective
- M. Kostanski, PriK: Polish Pipe Market
- D. Gueugnaut, Suez-GDF: Seismic study on PE pipes
This presentation is available online on the PE100+ website (document available at the bottom of this page) - T.Sangster, Downley Consultants: PE pipes in trenchless applications – Online technical guide
The rest of the day was devoted to working sessions, firstly targeting developments in the area of drinking water regulations and secondly reviewing and updating our communication activities. Many ideas were collected and an action plan will be proposed on the most relevant ones.
PE100+ would like to express their gratitude to the members of the advisory board for the fruitful discussion and their valuable input to the activities of the association. A special thanks to the guest speakers for their preparation and excellent presentations.
Although moderate in France, the seismic activity can have consequences on industrial infrastructures in some regions; Thus the the French Regulator has updated – by decrets - the legislation for...
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