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How CPVC helped to solve critical issues in household piping and plumbing applications in India?



Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 2010 Vancouver


It is a Thirsty World Industry is Thirsty Agriculture is Thirsty We are Thirsty Water the Elixir of Life………. The only precious creation of God which is considered rather is base of anything in this Universe. Since Ancient ages we understand the Livelihood started by the banks of rivers which helped the Human race to grow. This water in its potable form needs to be handled with Utmost care, like a newly born Baby every time. As the Time passed and with the multiplication in numbers of mankind the search for places farther from rivers grabbed the attention and hence the time had come for mankind to find the ways and means of transporting this Potable water to farther locations. It would have been possible by open channels dug out or natural canals branching out from the source of natural water. Then with the Turning of the wheel and development of the other sources of transportation which were given birth included Clay pipes, wooden hollow tubes, and then storing it in the containers at the point of use. As the technology advanced came the era of concrete, iron, steel, copper and lastly now it is plastics. With the modernization this man made polymer resource has been receiving recognition with the learning from the experiences and our care for the safety of our valuable natural resources which once depleted will take ages to come back. Hence the new material of Choice is plastics. To overcome the disadvantages of the metals CPVC the man made polymer which is around 52 years young has gained the momentum after it came to limelight that to overcome major corrosion and other issue like : Corrosion Turbidity Ease of Jointing • • • Reduced Water Flow due to Scale Build up Handling Different qualities of water (Hard/Soft…) Cost Effectiveness and Plumber Friendliness In Indian Subcontinent, the major issues with Potable water are the contamination due to corrosion, wastage through Leakages, diverse climatic conditions, availability, ease of usage and many more…… Since Galvanized Iron had been in use since ages and had been the only material of choice, but with increased awareness and features of the CPVC, the tables now are turned around due to the new innovative product which not only helps to preserve our Natural resources but at the same time assures the reliability in the potable water transportation. Water Requirement Scenario for various sectors in India By 2050 (Table I) Water Requirement (bn cubic m) Sector 2010 Irrigation 557 Drinking Water 43 Industry 37 Energy 19 Others 54 Total 710 Table I 2025 611 62 67 33 70 843 2050 807 111 81 70 111 1180 In India, 25% of Rural population and 9% Urban population do not have access to water supply….. over 200mn people still strive to get even drinking water. There is one Old Saying by John F Kennedy “Anyone who can solve the problem of water will be worthy of Two Noble Prize – one for Peace and one for science”- such a statement becomes significant when only 2% of water present on Earth is Drinkable.

Please note that the whole article content is available on PPCA website only :

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