Congratulation to Manoleva Gordana from Konti-Hidroplast
The 15th anniversary game is over, and the lucky winner is....

In 2014 we were proud to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of our PE100+ Association.
Many technical achievements were reached during these 15 years and we offered a significant contribution to the pipe industry by a great deal of relevant projects.
2015 gave us the opportunity to organize special promotional activities.
After our website revamping, thanks to our Communication Manager, we did organize a draw lots among the past and new registrants to our Newsletters.
And the lucky winner is …
Mrs Manoleva Gordana from Konti-Hidroplast in Macedonia
She was selected at random by the PE100+ Association Board and will receive the announced Ipad!
We hope that the Ipad will allow her to browse the PE100+ website and find there all technical answers whenever she needs and wherever she is.
Congratulations to Manoleva !
Ms Gordana shared with us her company satisfaction at refering to PE 100+ Association for all pipes technical matters:
"This is a good opportunity to remember when my company, Konti Hidroplast , as a producer and our customer as a consumer started for the first time with PE pipe. Some 17-18 years ago, as a very young engineer, and my company as a very new company, I was asked from my manager to find out what is the best pipe material for water supply pipes . In that time , information wasn’t so much on internet, and during a meeting with our main supplier, a PE 100 blue material was introduced to me as the latest development in pipe materials.
In 1996-1997th, we had the first project of PE 100 blue pipes in a small village in Macedonia. It was a pipe 160 SDR 11, around 500 m long. It was the very fist time a PE 100 pipe was present on Macedonian market . In the following years ,I had many many presentations and meetings with my target customer , and they learned everything about superior characteristics of PE 100 material, as a material of the future, because of flexibility, possibility to produce a pipe in desired length, very easy installation , very long life time, reduction in wall thickness and get more pipe for same money ,and environmental friendly material, 100 % recycling. A lot of our customers now are very familiar with these pipes, and not only in a water supply, but also in gas distribution, industrial use , mining and many other applications .
I cannot forget that in all these years ,as pipe producer, we found a valuable assistance at PE 100+ association , because with them , it was much easier to get the information for PE 100 materials and the best producers of these materials, what I was missing before. Nowadays, the PE 100+ association website is our best technical support not only to me as engineer , but also to the developing process of my company”.