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Loading Tests on uPVC Pipes installed in cohesive and non-cohesive Bedding Materials


Testing and Processing

Plastic Pipes Conference Association # 1979 Brigthon

Trott, Stevens

Lengths of 300 mrn uPVC pipe (Class B) were subjected to a standard pro-- gramme of dynamic and static loading in trenches dug in a laboratory test pit filled with sandy clay. Ten tests are described, with the pipes installed in a range of different bedding conditions. The cumulative vertical deflection of the pipes was taken as the main criterion of performance. 

It was found that pipes installed in uncompacted gravel gave similar performance to those installed in compacted cohesive beddings, but that the latter were sensitive to the standard of installation and compaction The creep behaviour of the pipes under sustained load was shown to be controlled by the properties of the bedding material rather than those of the pipe. 

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